Thursday 2 January 2014

Contemplation the day before 2014 ride

Welcome to my 2014 Hands Across the Water experience! This will be my third adventure into Thailand supporting this great charity and some awesome kids! If you scroll through my previous blogs you'll see some thoughts that I wrote down on my two previous trips, and how they both have impacted on my life in different ways. I guess for me, these experiences have been about the people that I've met and the people that I've travelled with. My first trip was with my sister, Renee, who I shared a lot with at the time and it was great fun to travel as two single women! My second trip was as a single mum with three kids, and couldn't have been further from the carefree travels with Renee!! But as different as these two experiences were, they changed me forever in very different but equally powerful ways. Tomorrow I embark on yet another HATW journey, this time with my very gorgeous, loving husband, who has already strengthend and enriched my life beyond words! I can't wait to share this with you, Adam, it will test us both beyond anything we've experienced, and through that I hope it gives you the wonderful inspiration, rewards and feelings of achievement that I have felt in the past. I love you and can't wait to do this! xox

1 comment:

  1. We are now travelling with you , took me a while to catch up with you . I missed my "Happy New Year" call from you. Sounds like all is going well?
